Poster Wolf Springs (EN)

Poster Wolf Springs (EN)

Life of protected area The Wolf springs in The White Carpathians



We started to collect our first entomological and botanical data in this locality 30 years ago. Area „Pod Kykulou“ could be clearly viewed only from opposite Rapant’s hill. Fortunately, traditional extensive agriculture outlived planned livestock pastures.


We became owners of estates in the place of former grange of Kopanice in the locality of nature reserves „Pod Hribovňou“ and „Ve Vlčí“ during the year 2001. Many years before we came annual grass cutting had been discontinued and main parts of the meadows and wetlands had been degraded with seedage of trees.

Immediately we started with nature conservation project in collaboration with Administration of White Carpathians Protected Landscape Area, The Ministry of Environment of the Czech Republic, scientists and universities.

For eight years we have been working on restoration of diversity in this locality. Chosen trees were cut down to facilitate entrance of light to the ground and recurrence of plants and mushrooms. Meadows are mowed once a year after seeding in late summer. Some parts remain uncut and serve for wintering of insects. We kept many shrubs useful for nesting of birds or as a hide for dormice and other mammals.


Today this more than ten-hectare-large area in the altitude about 600 m represents biodiversity of landscape of White Carpathians. There can be found meadows abounding with flowers, orchards with traditional cultivars of trees and curative herbs, groves full of sunlight and 100-year-old beech and oak forest as well as springs, streams and wetlands with unique plant species. Salamanders, praying mantises, many butterfly species and other animals occur here also. Rich orchid meadows currently have more than 12 species of the family Orchidaceae.


Collaboration with scientists, students, environmentalists and photographers is welcomed.




biologist – photographer, Asociace strážců přírody ČR

688 01 Uherský Brod, Na Láně 1989   

tel : +420572 634533, +420777 173636  

e-mail : lpospech AT

www .






RNDr. Lubomír Pospěch Česká republika
Uherský Brod